Friday, November 12, 2004

Dwight Pryor: Paul and Romans

We've finally started listening to Dwight Pryor's in depth study of Paul and his letter to the Romans, "Paul--Jewish Apostle to the Roman World". It's been on my shelf for almost a year now. It's designed to be a semester long class, 20 tapes, and was taught over a week at one of Pryor's Haverim schools. His approach is to study Paul as a Jewish rabbi speaking to a Hellenistic Roman world. I have never really studied Romans in depth so this should be interesting. So far, I've listened to about half the series and have taken detailed notes on the first three. I'll be posting as we make our way through it.


Danielle said...

As I am working on my papers for Seminary, these notes will be valuable. Thanks James, for sharing. I look forward to your discoveries.

dennisonjourney said...

I am a great fan of Dwight Pryor. I am completing after two years the 101 course, Jesus Our Hebrew Lord. I have been a Christian since 12 but never have had the foundation that this course has given me! I am coming to know Jesus, Yeshua, my Lord and I love Him! Thanks to Dwight. I got wind of Dwight in Rod Bell's book: Velvet Elvis.

James said...

Dennis, thanks for the post. We listened to the 101 course awhile ago and were amazed. Since you read Velvet Elvis but sure to check out Mars Hill's website for their sermons. Good stuff there. Also check out and Both have great additional resources.