Friday, November 19, 2004

A New Perspective On Paul

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share on this blog. May this resource be a blessing to the community of Christ!

The New Perspective
My recent studies have brought me to the subject of Saul of Tarsus, a subject relevant to Jamie's current study in the book of Romans. Through searching and [re]searching, I came across, a website dedicated to what is known as the "New Perspective on Paul" (this link is also referenced at New Testament (NT) scholars are revisiting Paul, specifically, our modern understanding of this Jewish sage.
The major subjects in this "New Perspective" are Saul's Conversion, Paul's perspective on the law, (Torah), and his teachings as a missionary to both the Jews and the Gentiles. The website promises to help us in five areas:

1. Better understand Paul and the early church
2. Reconcile contemporary biblical scholarship with theology
3. Build common ground between Catholics and Protestants
4. Improve dialogue between Christians and Jews
5. Flesh out a theological foundation for social justice.

These are honorable objectives, and I pray it helps us be better stewards of God's Word and Truth. The Paul Page references multiple articles and reviews, websites, and other resources dedicated to this discussion that will prove more than intriguing.

N.T. Wright at Calvin College
You can listen to Wright's message entitled, "St. Paul in the Big Picture: The Apostle and the Gospel in the 1st and 21st Century" here. In addition to giving discourse on the New Perspective, Wright dives into the socio-political implications of this new understanding for our modern day world including current events.

One More Step On The Journey Of Understanding
There is huge value in this new conversation. Paul is arguably the most influential figure in Christianity, save Jesus. Two-thirds of the New Testament are written by Paul, and our doctrines primarily stem from Paul's writings. He is considered the greatest missionary in the world. Influential orthodox as well as heretical teachings are based upon the words penned by Paul. The world is truly different because of Paul...and because of our interpretations of him. The New Perspective changes nothing about Paul's view, but rather our view of him.

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